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Tenable Blog


Tenable Network Security Podcast Episode 98


  • Paul Asadoorian, Product Evangelist
  • Carlos Perez, Lead Vulnerability Researcher
  • Jack Daniel, Product Manager



  1. Don’t Hit the Snooze Button on DigiNotar Alarm Bells - In 1995, we suggested the usage of network firewalls and SSL to protect web applications, and today we suggest that network firewalls and SSL protect cloud computing. There is a balance between evolving countermeasures and not hitting the snooze button on defensive technologies.
  2. So-so SASO … So What? - Bringing more balance to security, there is room for automated testing and static code analysis, but should you let a 3rd party analyze your code? Most would say "Yes", unless you are Oracle...
  3. Sound Database Security Starts With Segmentation - Segmentation needs to have context around it, and be based on the classification and location of your data.
  4. SIEM: Dead as Claimed? - Computerworld - Its fun to see which technology will be declared dead, first it was IDS, now SIEM. Is it really dead?
  5. 3 Indicted in Sophisticated Hacking Scheme - Attacker drove around the city of Seattle and broke into companies physical buildings and/or wireless networks, installed malware on their systems, and attempted to make a profit.
  6. SecurityTracker: Apache Tomcat HTTP DIGEST Authentication Weaknesses Let Remote Users Conduct Bypass Attacks - I've recommended that DIGEST authentication be used over BASIC authentication in Apache. If you implemented my suggestions, make sure you take notice of this patch!
  7. New OS X Trojan Horse sends Screenshots, Files to Remote Servers - I thought Macs didn't get viruses? Turns out they do...
  8. Facebook Unfriending 'Bug' Gets Quick Fix - For Facebook users, this is a big deal, as you don't want your "Friends" to know that you are breaking up with them.
  9. Man Builds Social Network Using Atlantic Ocean - I'd love to see the attacks against this social network, how would a cross-site scripting vulnerability play out?

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