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Tenable Network Security Podcast Episode 132 - "Default Passwords, Evil QR Codes"


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Passive Vulnerability Scanner

SecurityCenter Dashboards

  • Malicious Process Detection - This dashboard was designed to be used with the Malicious Process Detection in Nessus including the plugin update to divide results into malware and potentially unwanted sofware.

Compliance Checks


  1. Botnet infections in the enterprise have experts advocating less automation - "Stewart and other security experts say many businesses are far too reliant on automated systems; big security appliances such as intrusion prevention and detection systems designed to monitor network traffic. They’re calling for enterprises to instead hire skilled IT security pros to proactively monitor those systems and investigate issues. The approach, they say, improves the security systems already deployed in most enterprises by addressing and isolating issues before they become a serious problem."
  2. DNSchanger shutdown may kick 300,000 offline on Monday - Do YOU still have access to the Internet?
  3. The Dark Side of QR Codes - "Your best defense, use common sense. Don't scan QR codes randomly found on the street or buildings. If you have to ask yourself who might have made this code, it's probably best to pass." When it comes to the security of your computer or smartphone, that's one area where people seem to be lacking a great deal -- common sense. Okay, that's a bit harsh. Rather, it's educating folks about the risk and letting them make an informed decision. However, I can assure you they will still scan random QR codes out of curiosity.
  4. Computer error triggers mass rocket launch - "The pyrotechnics were meant to last 18 minutes. Instead, the whole show was over in roughly 15 seconds, after a deafening display that saw all five launch sites blast their missiles into the air simultaneously." Could hackers be to blame? They go on to say, "They were scheduled to be programmed for 15-16 minutes, and somehow, some sort of virus must have got into the program." Funny part is, you can still hear people cheering in the background.
  5. Black Hat USA 2012 Top Picks

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