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Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 11

Welcome to the Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 11


Interview: Nicky Jones - Tenable Network Security

Out feature interview this week will focus on Tenable Network Securities open positions and information about coming to work for Tenable. Nicky Jones is the hiring and recruiting specialist and joins us to tell us all about the available job openings and a little about what its like to work at Tenable. If you are in the job market or looking to advance your career this is not to be missed!


  • Major Flaw in SSL Released - Protocol Updated - This recent flaw could be used to perform MITM attacks against not only HTTPS, but other protocols as well such as IMAPS/POPS and some are speculating SSL VPNs could also be affected.
  • iPhone Worm Spreads via default password - Rick Ashtley Wallpaper Results - Default passwords strike again! If you have a jail broken iPhone and install the SSH application, and leave the default password ("alpine"), this work infects your phone and changes your iPhone lock wallpaper to a picture of the 1980's "pop star" Rick Astley. Could this be a sign of things to come? It would have been really slick of your ring tone also changed to the popular rick roll song that will remain nameless :)
  • OffSec Web Site Compromised - Lessons Learned - No matter how much you think you have security down to a science, someone always has a chance to break in. There are a lot of lessons to learn here, such as the propper way to disclose that you have been hacked. The OffSec guys came right out and said it, "yup, we got hacked, here's how they did it, and here's how long they went undetected, and here's what we're doing about it". Props to them for disclosing it. I also really like there slogan: "Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean they are not out to get you" These are some words to live by.
  • Patch Tuesday - Heads Up! - As many of you know, I'm not the biggest fan of the "Patch Tuesday" scheduling and culture. For more information about my views on this subject you can read my guest post on the FUDSEC blog titled "Why Microsoft Patch Tuesday Is...". However, it is nice to get a heads up when patches are going to be released and which technologies will be patched. It could also give the bad guys a place to start looking, so why not release the patches to the masses and let the enterprise customers develop their own patch strategy?

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