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Microsoft Patch Tuesday Roundup - April 2011

It's very exciting (depending on your perspective) when there is a record-breaking Microsoft Patch Tuesday! April 2011 is the largest Patch Tuesday release in history, with 17 bulletins covering 64 different vulnerabilities across several products. While everyone is beating the "Microsoft Patch Tuesday Crisis Drum", attackers are continuing to have success breaking into major organizations using the "exploit du jour", some social engineering methods or a combination of both.

Rally to patch your systems!

What I would like to suggest is a weekly, or even daily, "patch rally". Patching needs to be an ongoing process of checking to see if patches are available, applying the patches, and then verifying that the patches have been applied and installed properly. I don't think we need to "take time to stop and patch"; we just need to patch as a normal, everyday, regular business operation. It's sad that we have to install more software to fix broken software, but it has become the way of the IT world. If your business cannot sustain being patched, the you've probably chosen the wrong software and configurations and your business will likely be negatively affected. The negative effects happen in two ways: 1) you install the patches and your system and/or software fails as a result of a bug in either the software or the software patch or 2) you don't apply the patch and attackers compromise the system and ruin the integrity of the system and the data contained therein. So, hence my cry to "rally to the patch"!

To further aid in your efforts to evaluate the exposures presented by the vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday, Tenable's Research team has published Nessus plugins for each of the security bulletins issued this month:


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