Microsoft Patch Tuesday - March 2010 - "It Won't Happen To Me" Edition
by Paul Asadoorian on March 10, 2010
Attacks Happen
There are many reasons why attackers may target your organization: they could be after your intellectual property, they may have political reasons or there may be financial motivations (if you have credit card data stored on your network). I've often heard people say, "Why would someone want to attack us?" The question should really be phrased, "Why would someone need to attack us?" Often you are targeted not because of who you are, but what you have. Google hosts email accounts that are interesting to certain parties. You may be a university with plenty of bandwidth or a business partner with a company who makes electronics that the attacker is after. The point is that you can't limit the reasons why you are going to be attacked. You have to secure your network with the mindset that someone will eventually come after you.
This brings us to this month's "Patch Tuesday". Two bulletins have been released by Microsoft, and I've included some examples of how they can be used for targeted attacks: