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Discover Security Issues and Exposures Affecting Your Active Directory and Entra ID

Secure Active Directory and Eliminate Attack Paths Before Attackers Can Exploit Them

Discover and prioritize weaknesses within your Active Directory domains.

Reduce your identity exposure with step-by-step remediation guidance.

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Solutions for IT/OT

Rileva gli attacchi ad Active Directory e rispondi in tempo reale

Detect Active Directory attacks like DCShadow, Brute Force, Password Spraying, DCSync and more. Enrich your SIEM, SOC or SOAR with attack insights so you can quickly respond and stop attacks.

Continuously Secure Active Directory and Eliminate Attack Paths

Continuously analyze your complex Active Directory environment. Manage and improve exposure with Tenable's Identity Risk Score so you can prioritize what matters to reduce risk. Visualize and eliminate attack paths before attackers can exploit them.

Discover Active Directory Objects and Address Points of Exposure

With Tenable Identity Exposure, you can quickly surface all Active Directory vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, prioritize which mitigation tasks are most critical and get step-by-step instructions with context to understand all of your security mitigation ramifications.

Prioritization is now provided for you with the new Identity Risk Score (powered by Tenable’s Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engine) that uses mature AI and machine language models to quantify asset risk.

Continuously Discover AD Objects and Address Points of Exposure

Stop Active Directory Attacks Before They Occur

Understand and break down how each asset in your Active Directory can become an exposure point along a potential attack path. By analyzing all points of exposure and comparing them with indicators of attack (IoA) and indicators of exposure (IoE) in real-time, you can prevent Active Directory exploits and privilege escalations from occurring.

Tenable Identity Exposure keeps configuration and security exposure drift in check and presents findings in an interactive, graphical interface to help visualize and eliminate attack paths in your Active Directory and Entra ID environments. Make sense of the complex relationships between assets in your Active Directory by analyzing all attack paths, asset exposures and their associated potential blast radius. Analyze all Directory Services points of exposure and gain insight into indicators of attack in real time.

Stop Active Directory Attacks Before They Occur

Real-time Attack Detection and Analysis

Real-time attack detection and contextually aware step-by-step remediation instructions to eliminate attack paths before attackers can exploit them. Avoid the chaos of post-breach remediations before they happen.

With real-time detection, you can also measure your Active Directory security posture at all times and analyze active threats using templated and customizable dashboards.

Real-time Attack Detection and Analysis
Rilevamento e prevenzione continui degli attacchi contro Active Directory

Rilevamento e prevenzione continui degli attacchi contro Active Directory

Discover and score Active Directory exposures with the Identity Risk Score, eliminate attack paths and detect ongoing attacks in real-time.

Nessun agente, nessun privilegio. Nessun ritardo

Nessun agente, nessun privilegio. Nessun ritardo

Prevent and detect sophisticated Active Directory attacks without agents or privileges.

Deploy Tenable Identity Exposure Anywhere

Deploy Identity Exposure Anywhere

Enjoy flexible deployment options:

  • On-prem to keep your data on-site
  • SaaS, so you can leverage the cloud
  • Support for Active Directory and Entra ID

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Learn More About Tenable Identity Exposure

"Implementando Tenable Identity Exposure sul nostro perimetro globale, abbiamo fornito alle parti interessate la necessaria visibilità sui rischi per la sicurezza informatica aziendale." Jean-Yves Poichotte, Responsabile globale della sicurezza informatica - Sanofi

Tenable Vulnerability Management

Approfitta dell'accesso completo a una moderna piattaforma basata su cloud e dedicata alla gestione delle vulnerabilità che ti permette di rilevare e monitorare tutti gli asset con una precisione imbattibile.

La versione di prova di Tenable Vulnerability Management include anche Tenable Lumin e Tenable Web App Scanning.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

Approfitta dell'accesso completo a una moderna piattaforma basata su cloud e dedicata alla gestione delle vulnerabilità che ti permette di rilevare e monitorare tutti gli asset con una precisione imbattibile.Acquista subito il tuo abbonamento annuale.

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Tenable Vulnerability Management

Approfitta dell'accesso completo a una moderna piattaforma basata su cloud e dedicata alla gestione delle vulnerabilità che ti permette di rilevare e monitorare tutti gli asset con una precisione imbattibile.

La versione di prova di Tenable Vulnerability Management include anche Tenable Lumin e Tenable Web App Scanning.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

Approfitta dell'accesso completo a una moderna piattaforma basata su cloud e dedicata alla gestione delle vulnerabilità che ti permette di rilevare e monitorare tutti gli asset con una precisione imbattibile.Acquista subito il tuo abbonamento annuale.

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